The article analyses the preparation, the course and the focal points of the State anti-alcohol campaign in Tomsk in 1985-1988. Special attention is paid to economic, propagandistic and health-related measures of the All-Union and local party authorities aimed at forming a negative attitude to alcoholism among the public. The paper considers both negative and positive outcomes of large-scale anti-alcohol measures, as well as the response of the part of the population to preventive and propagandistic measures. The archive materials of the Documentation Center for Contemporary History of Tomsk region, as well as the information from the All-union, West Siberian and local periodicals provided the basis for the research.
Keywords: anti-alcohol campaign, the Perestroyka, Tomsk healthcare and public institutions, youth policy, periodicals as a historical source, Tomsk in 1985–1988
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20. TsDNI TO, Fondy Tsentra documentatsii noveyshey istorii Tomskoy oblasti [Documentation Center for Contemporary History of Tomsk region]. F. 80, op. 15, d. 7 (in Russian).
Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 62 — 71
Downloads: 808