The article deals with the formation of Rokossovsky's identity that occurred through identifications with significant others (primarily with parents and ordinary hardworking people during his biographical experiences, and also with «the characters of his favourite books» as they are perceived). These others may be divided into benign such that Konstantin aspired to their characteristics, values and beliefs (a process of idealistic-identification), or malign when he wished to dissociate from their characteristics. The article shows that Rokossovsky’s identity is formed predominantly by a choice of certain characteristics. The construction of an individual sense of self is achieved by personal choices regarding who and what to associate with. Rokossovsky’s identity is defined as the totality of his self-construal, in which he expresses the continuity between how the charismatic people were in the past and how Rokossovsky construes himself as he aspires to be in the future. This article also directs attention to Rokossovsky's impact on his solders.
Keywords: Rokossovsky, identity, experience, biographical, characteristics, impact, values and beliefs, Konstantin, identification, solders, aspire
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 44 — 49
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