Based on archival materials the article presents the data on the number and proportion of evacuees among the whole population of West Siberia, the proportion of children among the evacuees in West Siberia and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as a whole. In reliance of the data we made the conclusion that for West Siberia the proportion of children in relation to adults among the arrived evacuees was bigger than that for the whole country, which indicates that the load on the social sphere of the region and its society at all was high. The analysis of the evacuees’ settlement based on the types of inhabited localities indicates that the main part of them settled in urban localities. Their migration activity was of the highest level. The analysis of the composition of population, which was evacuated to the West Siberia, enables to conclude that women constituted the majority of the population. What concerns the social structure of the arrived population a significant portion of it consisted of workers, engineers and technicians, employees. Diverse ethnic composition was characteristic of the evacuees. A little more than a half of the arrived population consisted able-bodied people. Considering the difficulties and results of employment we came to a conclusion that in this respect a set of West Siberian regions came close to the whole country level, and Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions exceeded the general country level significantly. The article emphasizes that the evacuees as social group was diverse. Within the group there could be distinguished several strata different in their social position.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, evacuation, accounting and reference work, job placement, age and gender, social, ethnic composition
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 38 — 43
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