The article is an attempt to contribute to the research of extremely important constituent of evacuation problem – transportation of population from frontline area to the West Siberian rear area. It performs the analysis of the railroad transport condition just before the war time, which can be characterized by the transport’s insufficient mobilization readiness, the lack of the common and consistent operational transportation plan for the cases of military actions what was the reason of additional difficulties in its work in the tragic conditions of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The article describes the actions taken for railroad transport reorganization which were connected with the beginning of the military operations on the Siberian main railway lines, the hardships of the work performed, the enemy’s forces striving to paralyze the evacuees transportations, mistakes, violation of the rules set for the reception and dispatch of trains with the evacuees, the cases of incoordinate actions of the railroad work services and evacuation points. The author considers the emergency actions which were taken by the State Defense Committee, The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks, the The Council of People's Commissars of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Evacuation Council and local authorities for the overcoming the disadvantages and errors, for the expediting advance of echelons with the evacuees and their results. The authors came to a conclusion that railway transport and its staff accepted the main burden of the evacuees transportation to the region. West Siberia received more than a million of the evacuees and saved them from the fascist enslavement and death.
Keywords: railroad transport, the Great Patriotic War, evacuation, evacuees, emergency actions
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 21 — 30
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