The article examines the results of research on the first-year students’ motives of choice of pedagogical profession and theirs ideas about the image of the ideal teacher. The choice of pedagogical profession is mainly accidental, only 8 % of those entered were not experience fluctuations with the selection of the professional education. Students’ ideas of pedagogical profession are not adequate, they do not contain representations about subjectivity of teacher in his professional activity, about his social mission and public destination, about the active, converting nature of his work. Describes some methods for self-determination of students, and building adequate ideas about the main features and competences of teachers. These are such methods as active seminars, business games, trainings, the analysis of concrete situations, practice in the schools under the management of experienced teachers. Such seminars develop reflexive abilities of students and critical attitude to their professional abilities. Shows that adequate image of the profession can serve the base of construction of individual educational programs of student.
Keywords: teacher, image of a professional, professionally important qualities; subjectivity; reflexive abilities
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 38 — 42
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