The possibility for classification of psychological theories of visual information perception are investigated with the aim to define the applicable limits for each approach. The perception of visual information is seen as part of the information process (generation, coding, storage, transfer of information, etc.). The information process interpreted within the context of post-non-classical paradigm (V. S. Stepin). This kind of perception interpretation corresponds to the methodology of information-synergetic approach developed by I. V. Melik-Gaykazyan. Therefore, the main theses and models of information- synergetic approach are chosen as bases for the classification of psychological theories of visual information perception. Some results of the of the RFBR project № 14-06-00440; of project no. 155 “Methodology of modeling of semiotic mechanisms of management of nonlinear dynamics educational systems” of the State assignment for Tomsk State Pedagogical University are presented.
Keywords: visual information, perception of visual information, post-non-classical paradigm, synergetics, information-synergetic approach
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Issue: 7, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 94 — 98
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