Mesokosmos by G. Vollmer who has put into circulation this concept, – is a cognitive niche of the person. It is the world of middle dimensions, middle sizes and the speeds, which our brain perceives by means of sense organs and for which the person is evolutionary adapted. But with development of culture the person overcomes close borders of mesokosmos by means the thought, creating the new human world. For a designation of this world we enter new concept – antropokosmos. Mesokosmos and antropokosmos are in complex relations of a part and whole as partially mesokosmos enters in antropokosmos and is in some aspects the base to construction of antropokosmos.
Keywords: mesokosmos, antropokosmos, evolution, consciousness, consciousness phenomena, constructivism
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Issue: 9, 2013
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 282 — 290
Downloads: 1229