Theoretical and methodological bases relevant to development and health preservation of a person in the system of lifelong education
The paper deals with theoretical and methodological bases relevant to development and health preservation of a person in the system of lifelong education. The bases were introduced in the process of philosophical and psychological literature analysis. Theoretical and methodological bases are meant for the implementation of the following:anthropocentric, system-based, person-oriented and psychodidactic – system psychologic-pedagogical approaches; principles of mind and activity unity, unity of mind, person and activity; set of actions and communication is pedagogically proved which is supposed to provide an active interrelation of a developing personality with its social surroundings;three interrelated components of the human being development – socializing, individualization, personalization; self-actualization of learners individual peculiarities that is considered to be their self-education and self-development.
Keywords: anthropocentric, system-based, person-oriented and psychodidactic – system psychologic-pedagogical approaches; principles of mind and activity unity, unity of mind, person and activity; health preservation.
Issue: 6, 2011
Rubric: Adaptation Problems and Development in the Context of Educational Process.
Pages: 169 — 175
Downloads: 897