Jewish pedagogic as a phenomenon of world culture
The paper presents a phenomenon of religion as one of the ways of solving the unknown mystery of the human existence. The peculiarity of an ideal of the Jewish people up¬bringing follows from its specific historical recognition: to be God-elected people. An ideal of upbringing of very old Jews seem ed to be «sanctity» realized as an absoiute faithfulness to God behest's. In Hebrew society great at¬tention was given to children' upbringing. A sacred duty of children proved to be their parents reverence. Due to the system of a deep-rooted religious upbringing, the Jewish people having endured slavery, the loss of Motherland continue live a full life occupying different countries keep¬ing a deep sense of their national affiliation.
Issue: 8, 2000
Series of issue: Pedagogy
Rubric: Problems of Education
Pages: 65 — 68
Downloads: 945