Management of the Changes in the System of «House-Public Economy»
The analysis of the current condition of the mar¬ket of house-public economy is represented in the work. A high monopolization of the producers of elect¬rical energy, hot water, services of litter utilization, doing one a turn of warmth supply, repair of the ha¬bitable fund is marked. It is underlined that, without demonopolization of subjects of the market of HPE, owners of the house will have to pay all the payments for the services. According to the theory of management and chan¬ges, the main directions and changes are substantia¬ted, the union of lodgers into association of owners of house is the determining part among them. The pro¬posal of creation of the center of assistance to the union of lodgers at the level of municipality is sub¬stantiated.
Issue: 5, 2003
Series of issue: Economics (Special Issue)
Rubric: Economics
Pages: 48 — 51
Downloads: 891