Social Realism of Lorentz Von Stein
In clause theoretical development of problems of the social state in works of the German doctor of the right, the sociologist and economist Lorentz von Stein (1815-1890)which is the pioneer and classic of the European model “state of social assistance” is discussed. The scientific heritage, especially development of the social doctrine of a society , exactly the basic conclusion about its evolution in a social direction, take the important place in the European and international political ideas, exceeding the bounds of a concrete research object, and space and time of his epoch. The urgency of a theme is caused by a modern active discussion of prospects of paradigms change of the European model of the social state from « the state of the social assistance» to « the state of investments», but appeals of refusing the archaic social policy, which leads to “excessive social expenses” do not find unanimous support. Moreover, it is very important for the post Soviet countries to study origins of “social states”, because the scientific development of a problem only is in the process of beginning.
Issue: 7, 2006
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy and Cultural Science)
Rubric: Social Epistemology and Problems of Social and Cultural Research
Pages: 58 — 60
Downloads: 1119