"Dragon" E. Shvarts's and "Iron mystery" D. Andreev's: conditional models of the drama in the 1940- 1950ies literature.
In its article analysed the tale "Dragon" E. Shvarts's and "Iron mystery" D. Andreev's as a variants of a conditional drama which is based on mythological plots and which examines the phenomenon of the totalitarian state. Its views the philosophy and psychology of power in respect to character system (the dragon - the philistine - the hero), from a perspective of collision features and a similarity of transparent motives.
Keywords: tail, mystery, mythological plot, conditional forms of the drama, satire, philosophy of power
1. Andreev D. Sobr. soch. v 3-h tomah. T. 3. M., 1993.
2. Shvarts E., Ustinov L. Drakon. Edinstvennyi bereg. M.: Sov. Rossija, 1998
3. Andreev D. Roza mira. M.: Mir Uranii, 1999
4. E.g.: Golovchiner V. Epicheskaja drama v russkoj literature XX veka. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo gos. pedagogich. un-ta, 2007. S. 208-220.
5. In greater detail: Dachevskaja O. Zhiznetvorcheskaja kontseptsija D. Andreeva v kontekste kulturphilosophskih idej i tvorchestva russkih pisatelej pervoj poloviny XX veka. Tomsk, 2006. S. 298 - 301.
Issue: 2, 2008
Rubric: Literature
Pages: 91 — 96
Downloads: 985