Modular foreign language teaching system for three-level technical specialists training
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-5-77-89
Professionally-oriented foreign language training at a university under modern economic, social and geopolitical terms of society development should provide a high level of graduates’ knowledge, skills and abilities in highly specialized areas that form the basis of training and form their readiness to perform professional communication with foreign colleagues when solving practical, theoretical and research tasks. This training should also promote their further self-development, self-education and professional growth. Thus, learning a foreign language could help to perform two main functions in the young specialist’s professional activity: to be a communication tool (in oral and written form) and to become a means of improving one’s professional level. Taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, the process of foreign language learning in a technical university is aimed at the formation of communicative competencies – the ability to logically correctly and clearly build oral and written speech, make public speeches, conduct reasoned discussion and at the formation of professional competencies – analyze, summarize and perceive information, write scientific texts in their professional field. Higher school teachers are faced with the task of developing these competencies in conditions of insufficient hours given to humanities and a low level of foreign language knowledge among applicants. In particular, a modular system with a flexible approach to the educational process allows you to create pedagogical conditions for the implementation of goals and objectives at different stages of learning. The work was carried out on the basis of the leading technical university of the country. The pedagogical model was updated: the course content for three stages of training (bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate) was developed, goals and objectives were defined, methodological support was written, exercise books (paper and digital) for each level of training were published, independent educational and cognitive activities of students were organized. The educational process in universities should create conditions in which the student will see his own growth and achievements, will be able to conduct self-analysis and evaluate the results of his activities. The modular approach provides freedom for both teachers and students in filling individual modules with interesting material, choosing a learning path, space for independent work and creative self-realization.
Keywords: foreign language for special purposes, modular training system, multi-level training of specialists, communicative competence, professional activity
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 77 — 89
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