DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-132-147
Introduction. One of the pressing problems of modern preschool education is the mathematical education of children, which in turn is the foundation for the further development of mathematical training of preschoolers. This problem directly stems mainly from the lack of professional knowledge among educators and preschool education programs, in particular, developing cognitive interest in teaching mathematics to senior preschoolers. The aim of the research is to develop and test a program for the development of cognitive interest in children in the process of teaching mathematics in preschool institutions. Material and methods. To determine the level of development of cognitive interest in teaching mathematics in senior preschoolers, a set of diagnostic methods was selected: L. N. Prokhorov’s method for studying the attitude of children to cognitive activity; Yu. A. Afonkin’s methodology “Child in the classroom” for studying the behavior of children in the classroom with mathematical content; a survey of parents “Organization of cognitive activity of preschool children at home” was conducted to identify the degree of participation of parents in the cognitive activity of the child and maintaining his interest. The empirical base of the study was formed by taking a continuous sample in one of the preschool institutions in the city of Chistopol: the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 6 “Zhemchuzhinka”” of the Chistopol municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Results and discussion. The problem of developing cognitive interest in senior preschool children is a unique period of development of a child’s personality, since during this period children form an idea of the world around them, intensive physical and mental development occurs. One of the facets of its development is cognitive interest. During the experimental study, it was revealed: 1. A positive change in the mathematical development of children begins with their experience with real objects or objects that have quantitative or qualitative properties, such as different colors, sizes and shapes, when performing arithmetic or logical operations with numbers. 2. Teaching mathematics through games may appeal to preschoolers who find mathematics inaccessible and tedious. Learning through games helps children understand that understanding mathematical patterns and relationships can be a pleasant and motivating activity. Based on the analysis of the six-step theory of teaching mathematics by Zoltan Dienes, an experimental study was conducted on the development and testing of the psychological and pedagogical program “Magic Figures” for the development of cognitive interest in teaching mathematics to older preschoolers. In the course of conducting an experimental study to determine the level of development of cognitive interest in teaching mathematics to older preschoolers using a set of diagnostic techniques, we made the following conclusions: the program increased the motivation of children to participate in math classes; the program strengthens the students’ conviction of the need to study mathematics at preschool age; the program encourages students to take a responsible approach to their professional development; the program increases students’ confidence in learning mathematics; The program provides educators with appropriate tools and facilities for teaching mathematics in preschool institutions. Conclusion. In the course of the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program “Magic Figures”, the development of cognitive interest in teaching mathematics among older preschoolers, there is a positive trend in the mathematical training of both educators and preschool children. Mathematical ability is an essential skill needed in everyday life.
Keywords: mathematical training, educators, preschool education, cognitive interest
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 132 — 147
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