DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-85-91
Introduction. This article describes the use of phraseological units with the word component “time” on the basis of texts from the literary works of the American writer Irwin Shaw (1913–1984). Aim. To trace the usage of phraseological units with the component “time” in the context of literary texts with the help of semantic and contextual analysis. Material and methods. The research material includes several novels of the author of the fifties and eighties of the twentieth century: “Acceptable Losses” (1982), “Bread Upon Waters” (1981), “Beggarman, Thief” (1977), “Voices of a Summer Day” (1965), “Lucy Crown” (1956), “The Troubled Air” (1951). The method of phraseological semantic analysis was used as well as the method of phraseological identification. Results and discussion. The article considers phraseological contexts in detail concerning their semantics. Set expressions are distinguished by the following meaning: repeatability, duration, time interval, time point, time relations, time scale and subjectively estimated time. Within each group there is an additional separation by differential seme and examples of phraseological units with the discussed meaning. Repeatability (constantly, often, sometimes): all the time, for the hundredth time, from time to time. Duration (long): half the time, take one’s time. Time period (waiting or a waste of time): a waste of time, stall for time, bide one’s time. Time point (favorable time): in one’s own time. Temporary relations (simultaneity, sequence, at the time arranged): one thing at a time, at the same time, it’s about time. Timeline (present, past, future): for the time being, at the time, for old times’ sake, in good time. Subjectively estimated (pleasant or unpleasant): have a good time, have a hard time and give smb a rough time. Conclusion. Phraseological contexts are found in normal and occasional forms. The usage of phraseological units in speech exposes additional shades of meaning. The actual material and conclusions of this work can be applied in teaching special aspects of phraseological stylistics and the use of modern English set expressions in speech.
Keywords: component “time”; phraseological unit; phraseological meaning; context
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 85 — 91
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