DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-151-157
Introduction. The article considers the issue of the quality of training which is a fundamental criterion for the efficiency of the educational process in both traditional and innovative learning environment. Aim and objectives: to substantiate the indicators of the system for assessing the effectiveness of teaching mathematics in adaptive system within e-learning environment. Material and methods. The article reveals the parameters and regularities of building the adaptive systems of mathematical training of university students. The authors underline that when shifting during the process of mathematical training to the electronic educational environment, ensuring the high quality of training is becoming extremely important. The approach to determining the quality of e-learning in accordance with the standard is based on the development of detailed descriptions of each process and sub-process. Results and discussion. The article presents target indicators (regulatory and organizational, psychological and pedagogical, software and hardware, communication and personnel) and performance criteria for teaching mathematics in the adaptive system in conditions of the electronic educational environment. To give a more objective assessment of the efficiency of teaching mathematics in the adaptive system, each group criterion is described with the help of specific indicators that can be further measured and evaluated. A fully functional algorithm for evaluating the efficiency of teaching mathematics in the adaptive system in conditions of the electronic educational environment is indicated in the step-by-step implementation of technological operations in order to ensure the unity of internal and external quality control of training. Conclusion. An optimally developed system for evaluating the efficiency of teaching mathematics in the adaptive system in conditions of the electronic educational environment will undoubtedly ensure the efficiency of the educational activities of higher educational institutions, contribute to expanding access to the European educational space, and increase graduates’ competitiveness in the labor market.
Keywords: mathematical training, adaptive system, e-learning, student, quality, evaluation, criteria, indicators
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 151 — 157
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