DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-144-151
Introduction. From the functional-stylistic positions, the semantic structure of the scientific text is considered in the aspect of the expression of new knowledge in it. Results and discussion. Taking into account the extralinguistic conditionality of the diverse content of cognitive activity, a scientific text is defined as a system of subtexts. A subtext is a structural and semantic unit of a text that represents a certain aspect of an epistemic situation – ontological, methodological, axiological, communicative and pragmatic. The following types of subtexts are recorded in monographs and articles on various sciences: the new knowledge subtext, the old knowledge subtext, the methodological subtext, the evaluation subtext, the authorization subtext, the addressing subtext, and the peripheral subtext. The interaction of subtexts determines a special quality of the semantic structure of a scientific text – polytextuality. Polytextuality implies hierarchical relationships between subtexts. Two subtexts have the greatest communicative significance – the new knowledge subtext and the methodological subtext. It is these subtexts that represent the ontological content of the new knowledge, enclosed in the form of concepts, hypotheses, theorems, proofs, etc. Other subtexts form the epistemic context of the new knowledge. The subtext of new knowledge is the core of the semantic structure of a scientific text. The deployment of this subtext explicates the dynamics of scientific and cognitive activity of the author, represented by a sequence of stages of obtaining new knowledge. The cognitive stages include: problem situation, problem, idea or hypothesis, argument, conclusion. Due to the subtext of the new knowledge, the content of each of these stages receives a speech representation. In scientific communication has formed new knowledge stylistic standard, comprising the following composition units: problem or problem statement, characteristics of the studied object, a representation of the ideas or hypotheses, definition of concepts, reasoning or prove the hypothesis, explication of the results and conclusions. Variants of the deployment of the new knowledge subtext in academic texts on linguistics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and philosophy are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the compositional structure of the new knowledge subtext in the dissertation abstracts. The representation of new knowledge in this genre “mirrors” all stages of the author’s cognitive activity. Conclusion. Interpretation of the semantic structure of a scientific text as a polytextual structure with the dominant role of the subtext of new knowledge allows us to generalize the typical stylistic and speech organization of a scientific text.
Keywords: scientific text, semantic structure of a scientific text, epistemic situation, subtexts of a scientific text, new knowledge subtext
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 144 — 151
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