DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-117-125
Introduction. The article is devoted to the identification of ideas about men in women’s dialect discourse. Material and methods. The material of the research is women’s autobiographical stories recorded by the author in dialectological expeditions in 2016–2019; the Tomsk dialect corpus, which includes the materials of expeditions organized by employees of the Tomsk State University from 1946 till the present day on the territory of Middle Ob dialects spread. The research is carried out in cognitive-discursive direction of gender linguistics. Results and discussion. The basis for identifying gender ideas and stereotypes is linguistic opposition of “masculinity- femininity”, in which the personal qualities of men and women and the characteristics of their behavior are contrasted. It is determined that a man less thrifty, more prone to drunkenness than a woman. The contrast between women and men is based on the division of labor responsibilities. An important parameter for verbalization of gender ideas is the status in marriage. It is reflected in the frequency of using of lexical unit husband and in significant number of synonyms for this unit. As a rule, women’s stories s about themselves and their lives are accompanied by characterization of their husband and life in marriage. The most vivid ideas about a man are recorded during description of his personal qualities. Women more often evaluate a man based on his working capacity, economic efficiency, and social achievements. Attitude to a wife and love between a wife and a husband is important in description of husband’s characteristic. Drunkenness and aggressiveness of men are condemned. Such typically feminine qualities as loquacity, squabbling, and scandalous behavior, is negatively assessed for men. Conclusion. The content of ideas about men is influenced by the features of rural existence, which is based on work, patriarchal gender stereotypes, socio-historical events and processes. The identified gender ideas have a discursive specificity due to the gender identity of the speaker.
Keywords: gender, gender linguistics, dialect, autobiographical stories, man
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 117 — 125
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