DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-102-109
Introduction. The description of the linguo-axiological nature of the paradox is a promising vector for its linguistic research. The very properties of the paradox determine this. The following properties characterize the paradoxical statement: the explication of a deeply personal world perception, meaning formation as an intention, the presence of background axiologically significant information for this linguistic cultural community, the reflection of the world’s contradictions and the paradoxical nature of human consciousness itself. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the fragments of values and attitudes of the Russian consciousness, which a paradoxical statement expresses. Material and methods. When analyzing the language material, the author uses the methods of axiological linguistics: linguo-axiological reflection, linguo-axiological description and linguo-axiological interpretation. Russian statements of a paradoxical nature are used as material: author’s, anonymous, and also the products of collective creativity. Results and discussion. The study of the axiological component of paradoxical statements allows to specify and illustrate vivid language examples the following properties of the Russian mentality: the rejection of dogmatism and irrational nature of the dominant mental models; the priority of the emotional-mental sphere of the individual over the intellectual-rational, which is manifested in distrust of formal logical postulates. The realization of the epistemological function of the paradox turns into an axiological plane with the newly discovered meaning of capital truths and basic values. The activation of understanding provoked by the paradox is in tune with the Russian person’s desire for knowledge and self-knowledge, inquisitive spiritual searches, and the desire to “appropriate” the truth, that is, to find a personal meaning. From the syntactic point of view, a paradoxical statement is often based on the principle of parallelism and contrast: in addition to the correlation of the recognizable and the new, values that are alien and inherent in the Russian conceptual sphere are clarified (for example, the concepts “conscience” and “fair”). Paradoxical statement is also interesting as a form of metalanguage reflection, which is especially relevant for the Russian mentality with its high attitude to the word as a logos. Conclusion. Axiologically colored features of the Russian language mentality find active expression in paradoxical language forms. The results of the research and the proposed selection of examples may have theoretical and practical significance for the linguistic axiological modeling and reconstruction of the axiosphere of the Russian language picture of the world.
Keywords: linguistic axiology, paradox, paradoxical statement, the Russian linguistic consciousness, values, evaluation in the language
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 102 — 109
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