DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-38-44
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the translation peculiarities of economic terms from English into Tatar language from the point of their nominative structure. Economic terms function productively in English. The problems raised in the work are the specifics of translating economic terms into Tatar, the difficulties of translating them, as well as the analysis of the peculiarities of translating economic terms according to their nominative basis. Difficulties in translating economic terminology are one of the main obstacles to communication in the economic sciences. The relevance of the problem. The international exchange of scientific and technical information has especially grown in the last decade, and the modern language is at a new stage of its development in connection with an increase in the level of information content of culture. Interest in language and its knowledge is constantly growing; the number of scientific and technical publications is growing so fast that it becomes incredibly difficult to process the flow of scientific and technical literature. Translations and abstracts of foreign language literature are handled not only by specialized publishing houses, translation centers, professional translators of research institutes and industrial enterprises, but also by practitioners from various sectors of the national economy. The relevance of the reviewed article is due to the need to describe the terminological units of several languages (English and Tatar) in a comparative aspect. The purpose of the article is to study the structure, semantics and translation of English economic terms into Tatar according to their nominative character. Meterial and methods. The following methods of linguistic analysis were used in the work as an analytical collection and analysis of newspaper literature on the problems and peculiarities of the translation of written language, a comparative method. The study material was the English texts of economic subjects. The terms were singled out by continuous sampling from the text of the newspapers such as Financial Times, The Economist. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used in the development of lecture courses in lexicology, translation theory.
Keywords: comparative constructions, translation, semantics, word-formation, nominative, comparison
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 38 — 44
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