DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-64-70
Introduction. A characteristic feature of modern linguistics is the study of language as a means of not only communication, but also the expression of human mental activity, giving access to his consciousness. Cognitive linguistics postulates the idea that language forms reflect all cognitive processes, one of which is the human perception of the world. The aim of the article is to identify the reflection of the peculiarities of perception in phraseological units of the modern English language. Material and methods. The work is carried out within the framework of cognitive linguistics based on a single cognitive methodology for the study of language structures. General and particular methods of cognition are used in the research, such as inductive-deductive method, the method of quantitative calculation and classification, the method of structural and semantic analysis of phraseological units and the method of conceptual analysis. The complex use of these methods allows to look at the theoretical aspects of phraseology from the point of view of the cognitive paradigm of knowledge. Results and discussion. The concept of perception as a cognitive process is defined. It is noted that different types of perception (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste) are indicated in the English stable expressions by the verbs of sensory perception and the names of the corresponding senses. The article describes the reflection in phraseological units of the English language of such properties of perception as integrity, objectivity, meaningfulness, dependence on the personality of the perceiver, etc. It is confirmed that the perceived is subjected to further cognitive processing, manifested both in the language as a whole and in its phraseological system, in particular. The analysis of phraseological units formed on the basis of metaphorical and / or metonymic transference confirms the associative nature of human thinking. It is proved that the necessary intermediate link between perception and phraseological meaning is human experience. The study allows to understand better the nature of the relationship between cognition and the phraseological system of language, which can serve as a prerequisite for the creation of a separate branch in the science of language – cognitive phraseology, integrating the achievements of cognitive science and phraseology. Conclusion. The presented language material can be used in the practice of teaching English, and also included in the theoretical and practical courses in general linguistics, cognitive linguistics, lexicology and phraseology of the English language.
Keywords: cognition, the process of perception, human experience, metaphor, metonymy, phraseological units of the English language, phraseological meaning
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 64 — 70
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