DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-129-137
In the study of polysemantic words in syntagmatic aspect it is necessary to speak specially about the specifics of its functioning in fiction. In the context of everyday speech the word tends to semantic identity, but in the literary text polysemantic word is not only able to maintain its ambiguity, but also seeks to realize this property. Such feature of functioning of polysemantic lexicon in the literary text is caused by two defining characteristics of the literary text – they are “the intention for maximum information saturation” (Yu. M. Lotman) and imaginative (figurative) speech concretization. The increased load of meaning and imagery are direct factors of aesthetic value of the text. The purpose of the work is to analyze the semantic and stylistic features of the functioning of the polysemantic word in the poetry of A. A. Voznesensky. High metaphoricalness, expressivity, unexpected semantic effects characterize his creative manner. Therefore, the main methods of research are semantic and stylistic analysis, contextual analysis and aesthetic interpretation. A large number of examples prove that semantic increment and visibility of the image in Voznesensky’s poems are achieved both by contrasting the meanings of a polysemous word and by combining them. The author skillfully uses the resource of the lexical polysemy to enhance lyricism or drama of the text, to express avant-garde aesthetics, philosophy of mutual assimilation and interrelation of all things. Among the methods of aesthetic refraction of polysemy of the word actualized by the author are semantic layers and shifts, accentuation of the literal meaning of the word, putting on the first plan of some semantic components of the word and the neutralization of others, the creation of the occasional meaning of the word as a result of the individual author’s associative transfer of meaning, «flicker» of meanings, the unexpected activation of the implicit meaning of the word. The examples illustrate the methods of erased metaphors and metonymy revival. There are traditions of Mayakovsky and Pasternak in some features of metaphorical transfer. The results of the study may be interesting to clarify the features of the individual style of A. A. Voznesensky, stylistic and rhetorical functions of polysemy, semantic potential of the word.
Keywords: polysemantic word, semantics, stylistics of the text, language of the literary text, poetic speech, A. A. Voznesensky
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 129 — 137
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