DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-110-120
The article analyzes the place and role of leisure in the life of the speakers of the Russian language and modern national culture from the standpoint of the linguistic conceptual approach: it examines the structural and informative characteristics and lexical means the of the concept LEISURE expressing, which represents a significant fragment of the worldview for the modern Russian society. Leisure plays an important role in the self-realization of the individual and the regulation of its relationship with the outside world. Leisure is a space for personal improvement. The linguistic-culturological characteristic of the LEISURE concept is emphasized, since the value perception and understanding of leisure by the Russian people is fixed in the language. Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, which include the lexeme leisure, its wide representation in Russian texts of various genres and styles, the interpretation of the features in dictionaries indicate the extreme importance of this concept in the Russian linguistic culture. Currently in Russia there is a multi-layered leisure space permeating the social being. The following informative components of the concept LEISURE are marked: “rest”, “free space”, “freedom”, “the opportunity to do your favorite hobby”, “soul celebration”, “the chance to show your creative abilities”. The increase in the amount of free time, scientific and technical progress, the national diversity of cultures contributes to the complication of the structure of leisure and the creation of many forms and types of leisure activity. In particular, this article deals with such leisure areas as leisure, organized by means of computer technologies, art and sports. The end of XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries is characterized by the flourishing of consumer culture in Russia and the replenishment of new types of leisure activities. The article substantiates the thesis that the specificity of modern leisure activities is determined by such property of consumer culture as creative consumerism. From this point of view, consumption is viewed as a process of creatively constructing an identity with the help of acquired goods and services. In language, this tendency is realized in the form of using in modern speakers’ speech the newest borrowed words denoting certain forms of leisure (shopping, body art, piercing, tattoo, face art, hand-made hobby, scrapbooking, patchwork, quilling, felting, etc.). In general, the stated problem has broad prospects for scientific research.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, Russian linguistic culture, concept, leisure, concept structure, structural and informative characteristics of the concept, lexical means of concept expression
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 110 — 120
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