DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-34-38
The article clarifies the concepts of communicative strategy, communicative tactics, communicative and speech course and discusses the speech moves that are used by the speaker to implement communicative tactics of response evasion. Evasion is an insincere speech reaction of the respondent, who deliberately hides the fact that he cannot or does not want to answer the question. Communicative tactics of evading response is a complex of speech actions, which are directed on implicit expression of unwillingness of the addressee of a question to provide the requested information. Evasion of the answer can be carried out in different ways, with different speech moves. When clarifying the question, the addressee answers the question with a question. When providing a demonstrative uninformative response, representative speech act (for example, a message) serves as a speech course for implementing the tactics of evading response. The answer can be forwarded to the inquirer by means of a counter-question or by means of a direct or indirect speech act of council. For switching the interrogator’s attention to another subject, the addressee of the question can use a message, a question, a sentence, etc. When demonstratively pointing to the impossibility of answering the question, the addressee may use expressive, representative, directive speech act (a statement reflecting the addressee’s dissatisfaction with the question, objection, message, proposal, etc.).
Keywords: communicative strategy, communicative tactics, communicative course, speech course, evasion of the answer
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 34 — 38
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