DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-169-174
The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign students of Russian scientific speech as the most important means of educational and professional communication in a Russian university. It points to the specifics of the training of foreign students of Russian scientific speech at the Pedagogical University. Attention is drawn to the problem of teaching Russian scientific speech of foreign students at the stage of pre-university training. The use of the adaptive potential of the method of teaching the scientific style of speech is suggested, the concept of «scientific speech of subject areas of pedagogy and subject methodology» is actualized. It is understood that the creation and use of an educational complex for teaching scientific speech in classes with foreign students of a pedagogical university helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. It is proposed to design a textbook on teaching of scientific speech for foreign students of a pedagogical university, the theoretical and practical educational material of which is set out in a modular format, supplemented with a set of workbooks. It is recommended to include the description of the lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic, structural and compositional features of modern Russian scientific speech in the educational material of the educational complex, adding practical tasks that fix the theoretical basis of the educational material and imply work in pairs and small groups. The recommended for design training complex for teaching of Russian scientific speech should contain guidance for teachers, basic guide to scientific speech, a set of workbooks, a collection of tests, dictionaries, reference materials, that must meet the current requirements of the educational literature. This training complex provides methodical and motivational support for the learning process and can contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching. The article is of interest for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, working at preparatory departments of Russian universities, as well as for teachers of pedagogical universities working with foreign students.
Keywords: scientific style of speech, Russian scientific speech, adaptive potential, method of teaching the scientific style of speech, educational complex
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 169 — 174
Downloads: 892