DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-54-60
The modern approaches to scientific text study are based on the theoretical and methodological principles of functional stylistics, which are related to the need to study the text in its systemic speech organization, due to extralinguistic factors of scientific communication. New promising approaches to the development of the theory of the scientific text are: activity, transdisciplinary, idiostylistic, cognitive-discursive and discursive-stylistic, evidencing the expansion of the problems of modern functional stylistics. The activity approach corresponds with the structure of the cognitive process reflected in the text, in the unity of the three elements: subject, object and cognitive activity of the subject. The transdisciplinary approach is conditioned by the interaction of stylistics with a number of related sciences: psychology, epistemology, logic, etc. This interaction makes it possible to reveal the mechanisms of the generation of a scientific text and its perception by the addressee. The idiostylistic approach is aimed at studying the individual style of the scientist, determined by the peculiarities of his thinking. For the cognitive-discursive approach, it is characteristic to identify text structures that represent the picture of the scientist’s world. The discourse-stylistic approach is expedient to use on the basis of similarity of concepts «style» and «discourse». The approaches considered provide new complementary knowledge about the scientific text.
Keywords: scientific text, stylistics of scientific speech, new approaches to scientific text study, activity approach, transdisciplinary approach, idiostylistic approach, cognitive-discursive approach, discourse-stylistic approach
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 54 — 60
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