DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-87-93
The article is devoted to the analysis of the etiquette of the speech genre «bow» in the epistolary discourse of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Substantiates the validity of allocation of etiquette speech genre “bow,” which is widely used in the Chekhov’s letters. The description of etiquette speech genre is held with regard to its main constitutive parameters of speech genres (following the T.V.Shmeleva’s Model of speech genre): the communicative purpose, the image of the addresser, the image of the addressee, the factor of the eventful past, the factor of the eventful future, structural and linguistic peculiarities. The “bow” in Chekhov’s letters is a method of transmitting an indirect recipient (recipients of the bow) through the direct recipient of letters. The communicative purpose of the speech genre “bow” is an expression of a respectful and kind attitude of the addresser to his addressees. With this speech genre, the author shows himself as a person who knows the conventional speech etiquette (including correspondence etiquette) and simultaneously supports, maintains contacts and good relations with people, regardless of temporal and spatial factors. Speech genre “bow” as one of the most consumed etiquette genres in Chekhov’s letters, written during the period 1892-1894 years, generally performs the phatic function. The features of Chekhov’s linguistic expression in the speech genre “bow” give his epistolary communication emotions that determine the overall positive communication background.
Keywords: etiquette, etiquette speech genre, genre “bow”, constitutive features, direct recipients, indirect recipients, phatic communication
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 87 — 93
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