DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-168-173
The article is devoted to development of a technique of training of foreign students in the Russian technical higher educational institution. The linguistic barrier is a basic reason which interferes with effective development of technical disciplines. The feature of technical disciplines is a large number of special terms and processes and the phenomena which can be described only by difficult technical formulations. The idea of this article is to search for methods to reduce the impact of the language barrier in the teaching of foreign students to Russian as a foreign language. The initial stage of training should be aimed at preparing students for training in the Russian-speaking environment. Preuniversity preparation became such a stage. Here students reach only elementary level. They are able to establish and maintain social contacts in standard situations of the daily life; they have a minimum of linguistic means, the vocabulary of such students can reach not less than a thousand of lexical units. After that the student passes to studying of special disciplines. The first step is training of the student for perception of special terminology. For this purpose foreign students were offered to study the bilingual glossary. The bilingual glossary included an interpretation of concepts in the Russian and the English languages. The reason of the choice of English is that it is an international language, in many countries it is the second official, most of electronic translators are adjusted to translate into English. The second step is the use of methods of visualization for the best perception of information. Illustrations (drawings, maps, schemes) and demonstrations (demonstration and studying of the device of special geodetic devices) were chosen as objects of visualization. The combination of these two acceptances in training of foreign students allowed to increase the level of knowledge of technical discipline considerably.
Keywords: foreign student, Russian as a foreign language, bilingual glossary imaging techniques
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 168 — 173
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