DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-101-106
In the article we cited a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of the derived dialect verbs to study pragmatic aspects of the linguistic meaning. For the material of the study served the substantive dialectal verbs, collected by continuous sampling from the “Dictionary of Russian dialects of Transbaikal” and “the Irkutsk regional dictionary”. To study the semantics of the verbs we used the technique of propositional analysis. It is determined that cognitive models in the formation of functional and characterizing naming units are of different kinds. Functional names are characterized by orderly and clear formulas of propositions. They result through the reference to an object, an instrument or a place of purposeful activities. We gave the examples of verb propositions of the thematic group “Interpersonal relations”. Characterizing verbs of this group are the result of motivation by the name of any reality and can have mono- and polipropositional structure. For nomination of the situations related with the human relationship both the subject and the object of a proposition are important. Propositional structure characterizing the items can include assessment and emotive modes. Described idiomaticity of derivatives and the factors causing it. Revealed that different degree of the studied frazeological units may depend on the semantics of motivator: its multi-dimensionality (the scene) or polysemy. Preproposition names have the highest degree by increasing individual transformation. Such verbs are usually formed on the basis of metaphorical and metonymical models. The presence of metaphorical names is explained anthropocentricity of the group and the specific discourse. Unconventional method of linguistic unit formation allows you influence not the mind, but the emotions of a person.
Keywords: proposition, semantics of the derived word, dialectal vocabulary, metaphoric models, metonymic models, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality, idiomaticity
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 101 — 106
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