The article analyses the headlines based on metaphorical allusion to the content of political articles in the modern French Press. The aim of political discourse is to persuade the reader and to rouse him to some action. Allusion is considered to be an indirect speech act implicitly reflecting the gist of information, realized with the help of different linguistic means. The headline of the article contains main information about some event and is presented in the subtitle of newspaper article. In the full text of the article the headline is exposed to detail examination by the author. The headlines are classified in accordance with types of metaphors: “Anthropomorphous metaphor”, “Nature metaphor”, “Social metaphor”, “Artefact metaphor” and “Irreality metaphor” with their conceptual spheres. The metaphors are considered to be a reflection of political life, they give presentation about a character of State functioning and influence will, feelings and mentality of the reader.
Keywords: allusion, metaphor, newspaper discourse, indirect speech act, concept, metaphorical expansion
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 179 — 183
Downloads: 749