The article attempts to determine the methodological approach to the study of literary constants in the framework of the interdisciplinary research on the border of cognitive linguistics and literary criticism. Literature is considered as one of the types of mental activity of a person, obeying the same laws as the other types of mental activity. It is believed that the textual study in the context of modern anthropocentric trends of Humanities should be displayed on the mental level. Therefore, we should conduct research with the involvement of the methodology of cognitive poetics. The unit of text analysis in this case is the artistic concept, which allows to track the process of formation of individual author's conceptosphere represented in the text. It is stated that there is the difference between an “artistic concept” and “сultural concept”, “conceptual art” and “artistic image” because the same artistic concept can receive representation through various images. Creation of a common terminology and a clear delineation of related concepts helps us to avoid mixing of methods and techniques of research, the receipt of erroneous conclusions. Due to concept as a literary category still is not fully understood, we believe that the development of methodology in conceptual analysis of literary constants is one of the primary tasks of modern philology.
Keywords: literary constants, cognitive literary criticism, concept, artistic concept, artistic image
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 126 — 130
Downloads: 786