Individualized interaction in the process of primary school student`s functional literacy formation
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-5-34-41
Functional literacy formation is a new educational result of Primary education, fixed in the federal state educational standard (new edition). Functional literacy is based on subject and meta-subject results. Basis for achieving subject and meta-subject results is shaped in 1–4 grades. Therefore, the relationship between a functional literacy formation process and a subject and a meta-subject results achievement is a relevant problem. Research group of the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University identified meta–subject co-ordination and interdisciplinary integration as conceptual foundations for the functional literacy formation at a primary school. Extracurricular activities provide time resources for meta-subject coordination and inter-subject integration. Functional literacy formation at the primary school can be considered a result of students’ proximal development zone since functional literacy has traditionally been studied as an educational result of adults and youth. Consequently, primary school students’ functional literacy formation is possible if it is based on an individualized teacher and students’ interaction in actual and proximal development zones. The individualized interaction acquires significance in inclusive classes for mental retardation children and children without developmental disorders. The fact that the same action methods correspond to students without developmental disorders actual development zone and mental retardation students’ proximal development zone specifies this kind of training. The purpose of the research is to work out theoretical grounds, to develop an extracurricular activities program, to study materials for the course, and to conduct an experimental verification based on the studied difficulties in mastering the primary general education program by mental retardation children and children without developmental disorders. The research contributes to the relationship development between general and inclusive education. The research specifies an individualized interaction technology between a teacher and students in the areas of actual and proximal development. The effectiveness of this technology has been proven. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the developed course and a set of study materials for it can be used in other educational organizations that implement primary general education programs.
Keywords: functional literacy, meta-subject results, interdisciplinary integration, primary school student, individualization, mental retardation children, children without developmental disorders, extracurricular activities
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 34 — 41
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