DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-116-123
Introduction. In the context of the positive development of Russian-Korean relations in the economic, political, educational, cultural and other spheres, specialists who speak the Korean language as a means of communication with native speakers for performing various activities are increasingly in demand in Russia. Accordingly, domestic Korean methodologists and teachers of higher education face a serious task – to optimize and intensify the process of teaching the Korean language in order to form a secondary linguistic personality with communicative intercultural competence. The lack of development of the skills of intercultural communication makes it impossible for an adequate mutual understanding of the participants in the act of communication belonging to different cultures, which makes it difficult for the interpenetration and interaction of cultures. One of the ways to solve the presented problem is to use an intercultural approach in teaching the Korean language. Material and methods. The research material is the cultural universals of Korean culture, a comparative method, an intercultural approach is used. Results and discussion. The principles of the intercultural approach are described, a cultural analysis of Korean culture is proposed, according to which it is possible to determine the content of intercultural competence. A methodology for the formation of intercultural competence in students in the Korean language is proposed, represented by the nomenclature of skills and abilities of sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic and sociocultural competence, based on the use of frames, as well as knowledge – cultural universals, in connection with which the work presents a cultural analysis of the Korean culture. Conclusion. The conceptual foundations of the application of the intercultural approach in teaching the Korean language at the university is a complex of psychological and didactic principles: the principle of cultural conformity, acculturation, the principle of controllability by one’s own psychological background, the state of situational uncertainty, empathic attitude towards participants in intercultural communication, civic engagement, the principle of taking into account value cultural universals.
Keywords: Korean language, intercultural approach, intercultural communication, intercultural competence, frame approach, linguistic personality
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 116 — 123
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