DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-105-115
Introduction. Preparing schoolchildren for participation in JuniorSkills competitions is an urgent task of modern education. A feature of the process of teaching robotics, electronics and engineering and technical creativity is activities based on the practical implementation of tasks. A hands-on approach to professional self-determination is well presented through the events of the World Skills Junior movement. The question of determining the effectiveness of the organizational forms used in face-to-face and remote learning remains open. It is important to take into account the peculiarities, strengths and weaknesses of each format of interaction. It is important for effectively ensuring the continuity of the educational line and the process of self-determination of students in the conditions of the unpredictability of our time. Aim and objectives. Determination of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the necessary practical skills among schoolchildren in preparation for the Junior Skills competition through face-to-face and remote forms of interaction. Material and methods. The distance model of the Junior Skills program was tested on the basis of two sites: The Children’s Center for Educational Robotics of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the Kurlek Secondary School of the Tomsk District. Since 2018, 75 students in grades 3–6 and 58 students in grades 9–11 have been prepared for competitions in the field of professional self-determination. The training took place in face-to-face and remote formats. Results and discussion. In the course of the experimental work, a model of the distance format for the implementation of the educational program for the preparation of schoolchildren for competitions of professional skills of the Junior Skills Russia level was developed and tested. A series of tasks has been developed for the formation of primary independent practice-oriented tests (for the profiles of robotics, programming, modeling, electronics). Conclusion. The remote form of the educational program adds additional experience of self-control training to the general list of preparation measures for professional skill competitions. It takes schoolchildren out of their comfort zone and helps them learn to control their stress levels when working in non-standard conditions. Also, it gives the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions and allows self-determination with a further professional profile.
Keywords: professional self-determination, remote learning, Junior Skills, robotics, electronics, pedagogical conditions
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 105 — 115
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