DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-53-61
Introduction. The article shows the appeal of teachers and scientists to the scientific concept of “functional literacy” as a timely necessity in connection with the issues of transformation, sustainable development of society, global changes, the introduction of a new generation of FSES. The choice of the topic of the article is due to the accumulated experience, scientific research in the formation of functional literacy of future bachelors, masters in the field of ecologization of professional activity. The aim of the study is to conduct a discourse analysis of the formation of functional literacy in the field of ecologization of professional activity in the context of the transformation of modern education. Material and methods. Theoretical: analysis of pedagogical, philosophical, sociological, literature, normative legal documents; discourse analysis. Empirical: analysis of pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, observation, survey methods (questionnaire, conversation), statistical processing of results. Results and discussion. The discourse analysis proves that the formation of functional literacy in the field of ecologization determines the developing effect of pedagogical and technical education, which is associated with the emergence of new values (eco-awareness, eco-thinking, eco-humanity), which are in demand in the practice of the future bachelor, master, specialist (teacher, engineer). A new vision of the greening of professional activity as a necessary process, principle, method of stabilization and sustainable development in the “man – nature society” system in the conditions of transformation of society and education is shown. The features of the construction of the educational process are revealed, taking into account the developed directions and content modules included in the disciplines of pedagogical and technical directions, focused primarily on values, harmony with the surrounding world, personal responsibility for the ecology of the surrounding world, its safety, health preservation – as important indicators of the eco-literacy of a university graduate and a new quality of life of a person of the XXI century. The program “Ecological metadidactics” was implemented in the direction 44.04.01 (pedagogical education, master’s degree level), the main goal of which is related to the development of didactic systems, technologies of teaching and upbringing of an ecological personality by future masters. The program was implemented through a set of classes of different plans, where a greater emphasis was on practical development of skills, problem-solving skills, working out mechanisms within the framework of awareness, increasing knowledge in the field of didactics, education as special ecological systems. Conclusion. The implementation of the greening process is integrated into the content and activity components of professional education and assumes the active involvement of future bachelors in scientific, practical, project activities of an environmental orientation to obtain a high-quality result, which provides a new format of voluminous thinking, creativity, those qualitative indicators that allow a modern graduate of a higher school to think globally and act locally in conjunction with a system of eco-values, which ensures the sustainability of the development of the “man nature society” system.
Keywords: bachelor’s degree, functional literacy, ecologization, eco-literacy, professional activity
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 53 — 61
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