DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-99-107
Introduction. The formation of interpersonal interaction among children with severe speech disturbances (henceforth ‘SSD’) is compounded by the speech pathologies of different genesis and different degrees of severity, which make more difficult the development of communicative abilities, competences and skills, as well as the interpersonal interaction as a whole and the process of socialization, and lead to the retardation in personality development. According to the modern approaches to the education of children with speech disturbances, the development of communicative and speech abilities during the implementation of adapted educational programs is the key component of formation of personality competences among pre-schoolers and younger schoolchildren. But this process has its specific features in the frame of the inclusive educational model. Despite the focus of the researches on matters of communicative development of children with SSD, some specific aspects of realizing typical communicative models in the frame of inclusive education, as well as techniques and methods of this process pedagogical support, are now studied insufficiently. The purpose of the article is to analyse different points of view on modern inclusive process and integrated education of schoolchildren with severe speech disturbances together with their coevals having no speech disturbances; to analyse the reasons, generating difficulties and contradictions in socialization and adaptation of schoolchildren with SDD to the social medium; to find the ways of successful formation of communicative, speech and genre competences among the children of this category. Results and discussion. The authors, based on the publications of the last years, analyse the inclusion realisation problem in educational establishments, as well as the incorporation of children with SDD into the inclusive process. They also study the results of sociological researches in this domain and present psychophysiological characteristics of children with SDD hindering their incorporation into the inclusive group. Based on this analysis the authors suggest priority directions of further researches in the sphere of communicative and speech development of children with severe speech disturbances, as well as corresponding methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical work. Conclusion. The formation of interpersonal interaction is impossible without the formation of communicative and speech competences, including genre competence, skills of speech and interpersonal interaction in the conditions of inclusive schoolchildren group. Speech communication is the most important mean of successful SDD children socialization, as the degree of speech development influences the success of education, acquisition of social experience, and formation of a personality as a whole.
Keywords: inclusion, severe speech disturbances, interpersonal interaction, communicative and speech development, speech and genre competence
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 99 — 107
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