DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-90-96
Introduction. This paper investigates the features of intertextuality and intermediality in the artistic narrative for children. Material and research methods. The material of the study is the works of fiction intended for children, published in Russia from 2003 to 2018. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of realization of the most important cultural categories of intertextuality and intermediality in the texts of children’s artistic narrative. The leading method is the method of narrative analysis. Thematic, structural, definitional and discourse analysis methods were used as auxiliary ones. In the course of the study some conclusions of theoretical importance and practical significance were made. Results and discussion. Modern artistic narrative for children is an important element of artistic culture which is characterized by the phenomena of intertextuality and intermediality. The analysis of the works establishes close ties of the modern Russian narrative for children with Russian and foreign classical and modern fiction and culture in general. The enrichment of works with such relations allows their authors to achieve cultural and historical continuity, give a semantic dimension and educational meanings to the text, include modern linguocultural national and foreign knowledge in it. Intertextual and intermedia techniques allow authors of artistic narrative for children to most fully and accurately reveal the main ideas of their works, describe images of their characters, express the features of perception and understanding of modern children’s world, turn their works into a genuine artistic and pedagogical discourse. The categories of intertextuality and intermediality are expressed mainly through citations, allusions, reminiscences, proverbs and sayings. Conclusion. Thus, the narrative as the main strategy of creating a literary text for children allows to realize its most important linguistic and didactic potential, on the one hand, and its categories of intertextuality and intermediality permit to fully reveal the specifics of children’s consciousness, their perception of the world, value preferences and, ultimately, contribute to the implementation of the basic – educational – function, on the other. The results of the study can be used in the narrative analysis of literary texts.
Keywords: modern children’s prose, artistic narrative, intertextuality, intermediality
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 90 — 96
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