DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-8-78-86
The article deals with effectiveness of using non-traditional means within the third hour of physical education in schools, actualizes the need of searching and using new means previously not used, especially the means of parkour with the aim of correction of motivation of schoolchildren to physical education, especially in teenage period. In this period, there are significant changes in the emotional and volitional sphere of schoolchildren. Parkour allows them to be bold and at the same time to express themselves. A well-organized learning process allows to implement these internal requirements while minimizing possible risks. The authors described experimental method of application of means of parkour, and the results of its implementation in the educational process. Presented and described changes in motivation indices, indicators of physical fitness, as well as changes in the motivational structure of the schoolchildren who participated in the experiment. Based on the results of the study were made the conclusions about the advisability of continuing the use of means of parkour at the lessons of physical education. Since the theme of the use of parkour means during the lessons of physical training has not been studied yet in the Russian Federation, the findings are of theoretical and practical significance for its further development and use.
Keywords: motive, motivation, physical education, parkour, school, third hour, schoolchildren
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Issue: 8, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 78 — 86
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