Discusses the features and problems of physical training of women- cadets in educational institutions of the MIA of Russia, as well as the results of a preliminary study of their physical fitness. As a result, the criteria of physical fitness of women working in the authority of the interior affairs were formed. Discloses the concepts such as models and modeling activities. Performs the analysis of domestic and foreign experts in the definition of methods for modeling and simulated situations, both in sports and in service activities. Defines the most effective fighting techniques of wrestling for women staff in the action against the offender. Developed special training complexes, simulating the conditions of detention of offenders, that significantly improve the pedagogical process of mastering the complex of technical and tactical actions.
Keywords: physical training, police officer, cadet, female, fighting techniques of wrestling, physical fitness, modeling, model, simulate situations, technical and tactical actions, analysis, method
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 52 — 56
Downloads: 803