The article presents the results of an analytical review of the literature from the perspective of system-historical approach to the development trends of scientific concepts of defensive coping behavior. Defensive coping behavior is shown as the polysyllabic-level system formed by structural elements formed by the structural elements connected among themselves. In a chronological order emergence of scientific publications of domestic and foreign researchers (articles, monographs, theses, etc.) dedicated to the consideration of the psychological phenomena designating psychological defence of the personality, psychological overcoming of a stress, сoping with it, ability of the individual to resolve a problem or to seize an impossible situation. Among such works the authors of article consider the researches representing mechanisms of coping-strategy, defining styles of coping-behavior, their connection with сoping-resources and other psychological characteristics, influencing adaptation processes. The carried-out review of the directions and works on studying protective defensive coping behavior allowed to receive idea of those problems, which stimulate similar researches and find their solution in them.
Keywords: psychological stress, impossible situation, coping, psychological overcoming, coping-behavior, сoping-resources, coping-strategy, psychological defence, defensive coping behavior
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 42 — 48
Downloads: 1143