DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-80-92
Introduction. The content and peculiarities of the implementation of the nuclear features of the concept “higher education” presented in the national media in 2012–2017 and reflecting the results of the media interpretation of national education as a social institution are revealed. Material and methods. The materials of the central Russian media from 2012 to 2017 published on their official websites, including news, analytical articles, and interviews, were used as the research material. The selection of material was carried out by a continuous selection of texts that implement the studied concept. Results and discussion. The nuclear of lexical representations of the researched concept includes the phrase higher education, higher school, its contextual synonyms are professional education and education, and its representatives include such lexemes as higher education, University. Moreover, the interpretation of the concept is marked by lexemes that nominate the specific features of the corresponding Institute’s activities. The development of the concept during the study period is characterized by the formation of the specific content in accordance with the content of the ongoing reforms, and also by the dynamics of the implementation of its features. As a result of the analysis, 4 nuclear features of the media concept “higher education” were identified: “competitiveness at the world level”; “an institution that unites universities, the nature and number of which is adequate to solve its problems”; “economic-oriented”; “cost-effective, market-based production”. Non-nuclear characteristics include “having a wide range of educational areas”, “a social institution that is significant for an individual”, “having a research component”, and others. Conclusion. Four nuclear features of the concept of “higher education” are identified, only one of them is recorded in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. All the identified features reflect the basic provisions of the Russian education reform being carried out at this time, and their presentation in the media are aimed to inform of the reform on the one hand, and to satisfy the audience on the other hand.
Keywords: concept “higher education”, media concept, mass media discourse
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 80 — 92
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