The article describes the methodological approach of reproductive behavior of women, which is studies as a systemic structural-level education, having an internal organization. Study of mutual of individual elements of the structure of reproductive behavior allows you to plan ways of reproductive health of woman; identify psychological mechanisms of finding a mate, as it is often called in modern European literature, “a partner for long-term relationships”; explore the variety of forms of human sexual behavior; explore matrimonial behavior; consider the maternal function of the modern woman; understand the mechanisms of deviant forms of maternal behavior and develop effective methods for their correction. Reproductive behavior, considered as the sex social function, aimed at procreation, has a narrower context – the maternal function. The maternal function is represented by a biological parent function level (the instinct of procreation), personal and social (family and ethno-cultural characteristics of upbringing and education of the child, social requirements and installation). These levels compete in the process of becoming a personality, because they are stereotypes of behavior – the so-called maternal instinct.
Keywords: personality, reproductive behavior, maternal function, structure, woman, marriage, family, reproduction, installation, motives, needs
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 89 — 95
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