Harmonization of Communication of the Interview Participants in Author’s TV Program: Communicative-Pragmatic and Regulative Aspects
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-1-86-94
The problem of communication’s harmonization in different spheres is relevant in accordance with the modern communicative-cognitive paradigm of linguistic knowledge. This is especially true of media communication in connection with the media vector of development of up-to-date Russian studies. The promotion of the interview as one of the leading genres is of interest in terms of the interaction of its participants and as an object of perception of the mass addressee who perceives this media discourse. The purpose of the article is, based on the theory of regulativity as one of the directions of the communicative style of the text, to identify some linguistic mechanisms that form a harmonizing dialogue between a journalist and his guests as interview participants. The study is based on the use of the methodology and conceptual and terminological apparatus of the theory of regulativity developed in the communicative style of the text, the use of discursive, linguo-semantic, semantic-stylistic analysis. The material of the study was the author’s program “Very Personal” in the format of an interview with the famous journalist Viktor Loshak on the ORT channel. The effect of harmonious communication in the interview genre is achieved due to the overall positive and trusting emotional tone of the dialogue between the journalist and the guests; installation on the actualization of the objective successes and merits of the invited participants by the host program; the predominance of communication strategies and tactics of support, consent, compliment, self-presentation of the journalist and guests. The format of the author’s program includes a system of individual media genres, united by a common idea and image of the author of the program, which determine the integrity of the general media discourse, its coherence, conceptual completeness, communicative and pragmatic effect. In addition to the key media genre of the interview, the author’s program on ORT V. Loshak “Very personal” includes informative genres: presentation of the program and the guest, as well as etiquette genres: greeting, compliment, gratitude. Among the extralinguistic regulatory means, that form the effect of communication harmonization, the following stand out: the choice of guests – famous public figures; musical screen saver for the program; non-verbal behavior of the journalist and program participants (friendly look, supportive gestures, facial expressions); logical-compositional deployment of a discourse aimed at emphasizing the personal and professional merits of invited media persons who are of interest to a mass addressee. Linguistic regulatory means and structures that have a communicative-pragmatic effect include: quoting a guest, pick-up questions; clarifying questions, including options for answers to choose from; questions aimed at revealing the merits of the guest and his social significance; supporting remarks, the use of ameliorative evaluative vocabulary and vocabulary with the semantics of agreement, support; the appropriate use of figurative and expressive means and an explicit regulatory strategy of an amplifying-convergent type. The use of the theory of regulativity and its terminology allows us to judge some of the mechanisms for the formation of the communicative-pragmatic effect of harmonious communication between a journalist and guests during an interview in the author’s program “Very Personal” by Viktor Loshak on Public Television. The obtained observations are of interest for further development of the problem of the effectiveness of media communication and the study of the mechanisms of speech influence in the dialogue of communicants.
Keywords: communicative stylistics, theory of regulativity, harmonization of communication, media discourse, interview, author’s television program, Viktor Loshak
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 86 — 94
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