Axiological Dominant “Family”: the Specifics of Representation in Linguodidactic Discourse (Based on Textbooks on Russian as a Foreign Language)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-1-32-40
The purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of the representation of the family value dominants existing in Russian culture, presented in the textbooks on Russian as a foreign language by Russian and foreign authors. The material of the study are textbooks on Russian as a foreign language by Russian, Chinese and English-speaking authors written in the period from 2007–2018, with a total volume of more than 3,100 pages. We selected dialogues and narrative texts related to the topic of “family” from these materials using a continuous sampling method, allowing to analyze axiological dominants and linguistic means of their expression in various family aspects. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the methods of contextual analysis, lexical and semantic as well as comparative analysis. Family is one of the main value dominants for the Russian people. In textbooks on Russian as a foreign language, Russian authors mainly use positive value judgments, neutral or negative value judgments are used rarely. Chinese authors of the textbooks on the Russian language broadcast mainly a positive assessment of the family institute. English-speaking authors prefer neutral connotations. Individual parameters are also evaluated in different ways. In relationship between spouses, Russian authors often promote husband’s authority. Considering family responsibilities, household management is assigned exclusively to a woman, while work is typical for both men and women. Foreign authors mainly present in their textbooks a model of joint household management; husband’s authority in their works is not mentioned. Children are the dominant value in most cultures, however, it was found that when referring to children, Chinese authors use exclusively neutral vocabulary, while Russian and English-speaking authors prefer emotional expressions (mostly positive, less often negative). When describing the relationship to older relatives (especially grandmothers), Russian authors use value judgments that are of an exceptionally positive nature. In contrast, Chinese authors use a neutral assessment of grandparents. English-speaking authors in their works do not describe the relationships between children and grandparents. Among Russian and foreign authors there is also a variability in the specifics of describing the relationship between parents and their children. Unlike English-speaking authors, who do not focus on the mutual relationship of children and parents and use mostly neutral vocabulary when describing this value category, Russian and Chinese authors emphasize respect for parents and mutual concern. The analysis showed, that despite the general ideas about good and approved that exist in different cultures, the authors of the textbooks on the Russian language implicitly represent the value orientations inherent in their culture. The specificity is determined not only by the differences in the choice of certain lexical groups, but also in the subconscious emphasis on values that are significant for the culture of the authors of the materials.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, linguodidactic manual, family, axiological dominant, linguoculturological aspect
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 32 — 40
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