DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-105-111
Introduction. The article considers the role of sophisms in the judicial speech of one of the Tomsk prosecutors. The significance of the research is determined by the combination of the problems of the effectiveness of modern judicial speech, the designation of its place in the structure of the judicial process with linguistic and phonological categories. The purpose is to assess the relevance of the use of sophisms in the speech practice of the modern Tomsk prosecutor. The object of the analysis is the speech activity of a linguistic personality-the prosecutor of Tomsk, a woman, 38 years old. Material and methods. The following methods were used: observation, scientific description, discursive analysis. The material was oral recordings of speeches of the Tomsk prosecutor, lawyer and the defendant, made during one trial. The volume of the material is about 11.5 words. Results and discussion. The article describes various types of sophisms noted in the speeches of the prosecutor: substitution of the thesis, false arguments, arbitrary arguments, arguments against a person, etc. It is found that rhetorical arguments prevail over logical arguments in the speech in the debate. Actually, manipulative techniques are concentrated in that part of the judicial controversy, which is called a replica. To confirm this postulate, the main theses were highlighted, which were proved and evaluated during the debate. Variants of speculative use of evaluative rhetorical techniques prevail. Less common are “false analogy” and “female logic”. There are few cases of distortion of the thesis: “narrowing-expansion of the thesis”, “substitution of the thesis”. At this stage, it is difficult to assess whether the commitment to manipulative techniques is an individual feature of the speaker, or it is typical for a modern judicial process. The use of sophisms is part of the traditions of modern judicial practice, which began in the nineteenth century. It is noted that in the case of using manipulative arguments, the feature of the speaker’s speech portrait is most clearly manifested: subjective assessment and emotionality. Conclusion. We can say that the chosen strategy, assuming the presence of sophisms, proved its situational effectiveness, since it probably became one of the factors that influenced the decision of the court that supported the prosecution. Each speaker, as a professional language personality, has his own arsenal of effective and ineffective ways of organizing a discussion, it is necessary to replenish his communicative arsenal with the most effective management strategies that influenced the court’s decision.
Keywords: judicial rhetoric, sophism, linguistic personality, efficiency
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 105 — 111
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