DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-60-70
Introduction. Terminology contributes to the representation of the world picture because each lexical unit fixes the experience of both a separate nation and the whole mankind. The result of their interaction can be found in the perceptual unity and uniform representation of the world. Verbs, designating special notions, are the verbal representation of pragmatically revised scholary insight, which reflect the pattern of thoughtway, bases of mental activity, professional background, cultural and linguistic competence of specialists. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to study verbs, which designate special medical notions, and to show that they are a universal means to represent the world picture of medicine, and as a means which help to reveal the tramline and functioning of scientific thought. Material and methods. The material of the investigation includes one- and multiword verbs and verb phrases which represent various medical processes. Etymological, word-building and definitional analyses are used. Results and discussion. Universality which is characteristic of the world picture of medicine is reflected in the use of Greek and Latin terminological elements in the structure of a verb. National characteristics appear in the use of morphological elements and lexical and semantic principles of word-building. The world pictures of sciences also reflect historical evolution of notions and terms which can be revealed in the processes of terminologization and determinologization of verbs which are used in the language of medicine. The history of the development of special medical verbs demonstrates the interaction of the everyday and scientific world pictures. It is proved by etymology of verbs and polysemy of verbs within the medical discourse and with the verbs functioning in other branches of science. Lexical units which represent various medical processes are a kind of propositional structures which show a definite area of the world picture in its entirety. Thus, they can demonstrate the process as a cognitive script, which demonstrates implicitly the array of actions. It is a kind of metonymical representation of the process which is put into verbs. Conclusion. A verb can be considered as a means to interpret the world picture of this or that field of science. In regards to language of medicine the verbs allow to reveal the pattern and volume of semantic development of a word, to trace the scientific history of medicine in synchrony and diachrony.
Keywords: world picture, scientific world picture, verb, terminology, medicine, etymology, word-building, proposition
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 60 — 70
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