DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-17-26
Introduction. Media discourse of public informational and media language personalities is one of topic object of research in up-to-date Russian studies in connection with the active role of information and communication technologies in modern society and the new cognitive and discursive paradigm of linguistic knowledge. Of particular interest are linguistic personalities of the syncretic type, combining several types of activities at once, performing different roles (social, professional, communicative, etc.). Boris Akunin (Grigory Chkhartishvili) belongs to this type of person. The aim of the article is to research the reflection of literary creative work the theme in media discourse of a famous writer and blogger Boris Akunin as a person of the syncretic type, to examine and describe his conception of literary creation’s specificity in the aspect of the author’s idiostyle. Material and methods. The author’s blogs of 2020 and interviews with his participation in 2015–2021 were taken as the research material. To study the idiostyle features of an information and media language personality and its ideas about literary creation, a complex methodology for analyzing the general idiostyle was used, developed in communicative stylistics, including consideration of 3 personality styles: cultural speech, cognitive and communicative. The methods of discursive, semantic-stylistic and contextual analysis were used. Results and discussion. The study showed that the theme of literary creation, which is a key theme for the writer and blogger Boris Akunin, has received a special embodiment, taking into account his creative personality. In blogs and interviews, both general ideas about creativity and a special author’s view of the literary process are reflected. For Boris Akunin, creativity presupposes: the continuity of the literary process, in which the author is included; freedom in choosing genres, themes, style; play as an element of creativity; intrigue as a stimulus for interest in life and creativity; development, lack of routine and monotony. Creativity is viewed by the writer as something that helps to understand modern life. The cultural and speech style of a language personality, reflected in the media discourse, allows us to speak of Akunin as a bearer of an elite type of speech culture, judging by the use of various stylistic techniques and expressive means, along with the use of both literary and (less often) colloquial vocabulary. Analysis of the reflection of literary creativity’s theme in the media discourse of personality demonstrates the combination of rationalistic and metaphorical substyles of cognitive style typical for a writer and blogger. This can be judged by the author’s admissions in his blogs, and by the answers to questions regarding creativity in an interview with his participation. The communicative style of Boris Akunin as a person of the syncretic type is characterized by the skillful use of communicative strategies to attract attention, cooperation, and encouragement to dialogue. Taking into account the addressee’s factor and changes in the dialogue with him in connection with new information technologies characterizes the writer and blogger as a modern person, who is constantly ready for changes. Conclusion. The study of the specificity of literary creativity theme in the media discourse of the famous writer and blogger Boris Akunin as a person of the syncretic type showed not only a certain variation in his idiostyle, but also the commonality of his speech, communicative and cognitive manifestations in the genres of blog and interview. The analysis of the author’s media discourse allowed to reveal some of the features of his creative laboratory, to identify the goals and motives of literary activity. Obtained observations are of interest for the theory of speech communication and stylistics.
Keywords: information and media language personality, syncretic personality, Boris Akunin, idiostyle, media discourse, blog, interview
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 17 — 26
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