DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-101-111
The article considers the possibility of using historical intonation semantic stereotypes for the development of creative activity of students, motivation of cognitive learning activities. Specific options are being considered for the use of «migratory intonation complexes» for improvisation, composition, ensemble music in the musical-theoretical disciplines of CMS / CSA, in music classes of general education school and various institutions of additional education, including pre-school. It is motivation that contributes to the achievement of the most important goal in education - the greening of the educational process. This means to maximally incorporate educational activities into the life needs of students. Positively experienced emotions in the process of music classes contribute to the solution of many problems. To «pass» music through oneself, «to live in it» while playing music means to love, to understand. Academician B. V. Asafiev saw the solution to very complex issues of musical pedagogy in the use of the semantic approach, which opens up both the prospect of future research of scientists, and the prospect of developing the methods and methodology of the semantic approach in musical and artistic education and training. Based on the semantic approach of analysis the article explores the brightest cultural codes of the «golden fund of standards» of world music. Some methodical approaches-recommendations and proposals for their practical use in music pedagogy are presented. In the effective and final sections of the article, the relevant conclusions are drawn on the topic of the study. On the basis of semantic approach-analysis it is possible to reveal the phenomenon of musical text, its meaning «not only from the position of phonetics, grammar and syntax», but also «from the point of view of poetics, semantics, style». Using a semantic approach in the process of learning you need to acquire «the skills of oral musical speech» – improvisation, which was once obligatory in the training of a musician. It is necessary to create an «organic intersubject communication» between theoretical disciplines and «music-making practice» because theoretical disciplines can and should be musical. The question is the methods of teaching, the methodology of «immersion» in music. Musical pedagogy has yet to be adopted and mastered, taking into account the level of modern psychology of perception, to develop the methods and methodology of the educational process to interest, captivate, to make students fall in love with music heard and performed.
Keywords: musical intonation, musical semantics, a semantic approach, the psychology of perception, activating creativity, motivation of educational activities
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 101 — 111
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