DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-54-59
Introduction. This work summarizes the preliminary results of the implementation of the course on anti-terror management for students-radio technicians of the Department of Television and Control of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, studying under the master’s programs related to electromagnetic compatibility. The inclusion of this discipline in the curriculum is due not only to the vulnerability of electronic systems to deliberate force electromagnetic influences, but the need to increase interest in studying for a master’s degree, improving the quality of education and following the trends of modern education. The purpose of the work is to consider the introduction of interdisciplinary courses in the educational process as a factor affecting the quality of education. Material and methods. The work contains the rationale for the introduction of an interdisciplinary course on counterterrorism management, a brief description of the sections of the course and their significance in the training program for undergraduates in electromagnetic compatibility. Results and discussion. The result of the work is a prepared course for undergraduates, related to the study of mathematical methods of anti-terror control, as part of the implementation of master’s programs related to electromagnetic compatibility. Conclusion. The knowledge gained by undergraduates in this course, related to understanding the nature of terrorism and the skills acquired in creating appropriate models, combined with knowledge in the reliability of electrical and radio engineering systems, increase the capabilities of countering terrorism. The formation of additional knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of the implementation of master’s degree programs allows to improve the quality of training of students and their competitiveness in the market.
Keywords: interdisciplinary courses, training of undergraduates, anti-terrorism management, quality of education
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 54 — 59
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