DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-64-71
The article presents a historical review of conceptual works on Cognitive Translation Theory worked out by Russian scientists. It differs from western tradition and has its own specific way of development. The first prerequisites for the formation of a cognitive paradigm in Russian translation studies were observed in 1970–1980, and by the beginning of the 2000s. the cognitive theory of translation is formed with its own purpose, objectives, and subjects. The main trends of cognitive translation study in Russia are identified through the critical analysis. Firstly, some Russian scientists still prefer using the text-centric approach to compare a source text with a target text by methods of cognitive linguistics (concept, frame, scenario etc.). Secondly, others use a translation act as a study subject in the field of translation process. Meanwhile, western scientists are more focused on studying a translation event, which is only future-oriented in Russia. Thirdly, available Russian studies demonstrate polarized logic of formalized and arbitrary approaches to the translation process. The first is aimed at developing patterns in translation activity; the second declares the impossibility of bringing the translator’s cognitive structures into the system. Fourthly, there are 3 specific interactions between the subjects of translation activity (translator as a cognition subject, translator vs author, translator vs reader). The results of translation cognitive scholars are of high theoretical significance and are actively used in the development of artificial intelligence, improving automated translation, understanding the phenomenon of linguistic creativity and introducing innovative approaches into methodology of teaching translation.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, cognitive translation theory, psycholinguistics, scientific discourse
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 64 — 71
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